Sarah Day Dresses collection for 2012 | Latest Interviews of Fashion Designer Sarah Day

Sarah Day is a highly talented bridal wear, costume and accessory designer fresh from graduating at the Colchester Institute with a Fashion and Textiles degree. She gains inspiration from many things ranging from the outdoors to the history of the world to create some truly beautiful and individual pieces. Check our interview with Sarah below.
Newluk: What does fashion mean to you?
SD: Fashion means being able to express yourself. It’s a way of telling people a bit about yourself, or the way you want to be seen. For me, fashion is also about making beautiful things.
Newluk:When did you realise you wanted to become a fashion designer?
SD: Quite recently really. I used to have no interest in wearing fashion at all, in fact I used to avoid it as much as possible. I started making costumes for re-enacting and that made me realise how much I love designing and making clothes.
Newluk: What was the first article of clothing you ever designed?
SD: Probably a bit of dolls clothing; my mum used to get us ‘dolly bundles’ from the  fabric shop and we’d play at making clothes. The first wearable garment that I designed and made from start to finish was a Tudor re-enacting costume when I was about 14.
SD: My Graduate collection is the most ambitious project I’ve ever done. There was a lot of hand beading and embroidery and some hand finished fabrics but I did as much of it myself as possible, even though we were allowed to get other people to do most of it if we wanted. The designs were all quite different and were quite challenging. We only had 5 months from research and designing to finished collection – at times I doubted I’d get it all finished!
Newluk: Who is your favourite designer? Who inspires you?
SD: I love the big couture designers, Dior, McQueen, Lacroix etc. McQueen is my favourite and it’s ‘such a shame Alexander Mcqueen died. He was incredible but Sarah Burton is doing a brilliant job. Mcqueen collections are always beautiful, always different, and though there are signature pieces, the collections are always pushing boundaries. I always look at historical fashion as well.
Newluk: What matters to you most as a designer?
SD: My passion is the outdoors; most of what I do is inspired in some way by the natural world. I always want my work to do justice to whatever inspired me. Rather than being a poor imitation of something I’ve seen in the woods, I want my work to be a tribute to it.
SD: Generally I do; before I did my degree I had no idea about design processes, pattern cutting, Photoshop or any of it. But mostly I think my final year showed me what I can do when I really go for it and that’s very good to know. Theres always more to learn though!
Newluk: What’s your advice to people wanting to work in fashion?
SD: If you have an idea, stand up for it – my tutors and I disagreed about lots of things but I’m glad I stuck to my guns. I think its also important to  absorb as much information as you can, whether its about how to do things, what other designers are doing or things that could inspire your work.


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